For Optimal Digestive Speed
Gut Motility™ promotes the transport of food to keep the digestive system moving smoothly. It supports motility and gastric emptying, the speed at which food leaves the stomach for the small intestine.
The Power of Artichoke and Ginger
This formula includes ProDigest® - a clinically studied, synergistic combination of standardized Artichoke leaf and Ginger root extracts that support healthy digestive transport.
Supports Better Digestion
Raw and unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with the "Mother" helps optimize metabolism and supports a balanced pH in the digestive system.
Motility Means Movement
The body knows how to keep food moving through the GI tract to ensure healthy digestion, nutrient absorption and elimination. GI motility is the normal, natural movement of muscles and digestive organs. When motility is out of balance or sluggish, issues such as occasional bloating or constipation can result.
What Impacts GI Motility?
Some medications and physical conditions can impact or slow digestive motility, leading to occasional fullness and other discomforts like bloating, nausea and gas.
Clinically Studied Blend for Guaranteed Support
Gut Motility™ features ProDigest® - a synergistic blend that has been clinically studied to deliver gentle support every time. Non-addictive and plant-based, it works with your body to promote gut comfort, improved motility and regular, healthy bowel movements.
^Enzymedica does not use ingredients produced using biotechnology
100% растительная капсула (целлюлоза, вода), рисовый концентрат.
Не содержит глютена, молока, казеина, сои, яиц, искусственных красителей и ароматизаторов.
Проконсультируйтесь с врачом, если вы беременны, кормите грудью, принимаете лекарства или страдаете каким-либо заболеванием.
Не следует использовать продукт, если защитная пленка повреждена или отсутствует.
Хранить в плотно закрытой упаковке в сухом месте. Беречь от воздействия высоких температур.
Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.
Цвет капсул может незначительно отличаться из-за натуральных растительных экстрактов. Это не влияет на его эффективность и качество.
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