Ergothioneine is an amino acid that’s widely distributed throughout your body, but levels have been shown to decline as we age. Your body can’t produce it, so you must get it through your diet—it’s found in a variety of food sources, but with the highest concentrations in certain types of mushrooms.
This food-derived amino acid is thought to support long-term health through its free radical quenching and cell-protective properties. What’s more, the body has a highly specific mechanism to transport ergothioneine into your cells, suggesting it’s crucial for overall health.
But if mushrooms aren’t your thing, you can still get the longevity-promoting benefits of ergothioneine with our innovative Essential Youth L-Ergothioneine formula. One daily capsule provides as much L-ergothioneine as 2 to 5 cups of white button mushrooms.
Longevity and telomere support
Ergothioneine has been shown to delay telomere shortening due to oxidative stress. Why would you want to delay telomeres from shortening? Your telomeres are like protective caps at the end of your chromosomes. As time goes by, these telomeres shorten naturally, in step with your aging process. In a preclinical study, L-ergothioneine had a protective effect on telomere length and slowed the rate of telomere shortening under oxidative stress conditions.
Brain and vision health
Low levels of ergothioneine in older adults have been linked with cognitive decline. In preclinical studies, ergothioneine showed beneficial neuroprotective properties from oxidative stress, supporting overall cognitive health.
The cell-protecting properties of ergothioneine have also been linked to vision health.
Cardiovascular health
A 2020 clinical study found that higher ergothioneine levels were associated with healthier diets and with heart health.
Add Essential Youth L-Ergothioneine to your wellness routine—fight oxidative stress and support a youthful you at the cellular level!
Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, мальтодекстрин, растительная целлюлоза (капсула), рисовые отруби, диоксид кремния.
Хранить в плотно закрытой упаковке в сухом и прохладном месте.
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