Energy from the ground up - nourishing our world, one meal at a time.
Everyone on our marvelous planet deserves to be well nourished. But as Earth's population continues to grow, how will we feed everyone? The simplest - and most sustainable - route to nourishing the world is to produce food that uses less of the planet's resources. A seed only requires water, some nutrients from the soil, and a whole lot of energy from the sun to become a nourishing plant that can sustain life. Producing animal protein uses far more resources to deliver an equivalent amount of protein. When we choose to replace animal protein with plant protein, even for just one meal a day, we save enough resources to give five more people a serving of plant protein. A diet rich in plants is also better for our health, and better for the environment. VegiDay is part of a growing movement that encourages us to welcome and sustain life by reducing our consumption of animal protein.
The best tasting and highest quality organic vegan protein with organic superfoods and Vitamins and Mineral — also available in French Vanilla and Natural Unflavored.
Non-GMO: Documentation ✔
Mass Spec: Lab Tested ✔
Flavor (organic cocoa, organic chocolate flavor, organic French vanilla flavor, organic natural source flavor), organic vegan creamer blend, organic guar gum.
Contains no artificial colors, preservatives, or sweeteners; no dairy, gluten, yeast, soy, egg, fish, shellfish, animal products, tree nuts, or GMOs.
Manufactured by Natural Factors to ensure safety and potency in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) of the FDA and Health Canada.
Add 1 scoop (45 g) per day to 11.8 oz (350 ml) of water, juice, or non-dairy beverage and shake or blend until smooth, or use as directed by a health professional.
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