Key Benefits and Actions
Active B12 with L-5-MTHF Lozenges by Seeking Health provide 1,360 mcg DFE (800 mcg) of pure non-racemic L-methylfolate in an easy-to deliver lozenge, along with two active “coenzyme” forms of vitamin B12. As “coenzyme” forms, methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin are the forms required by certain B12-dependent enzymes and reactions within the body. Similarly, L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate is considered an “active” form of folate - the body's most prevalent form of folate in plasma.
Vitamin B12 is crucial to the formation of healthy red blood cells, energy production, nervous system support, cognitive function, and homocysteine regulation. Folate as L-5-MTHF is also involved in homocysteine metabolism and efficiently supports methylation, DNA biosynthesis, and nervous system function.
While folate and B12 are now commonly used to fortify cereals and grains, the synthetic forms of these important B vitamins used for fortification are often not well absorbed, nor added in amounts sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements of all individuals. Natural food sources of folate include liver, dark green leafy vegetables, avocado, peas and beans. Vitamin B12 is naturally present in seafood, shellfish, liver, eggs and dairy products. It may be harder for vegetarians and vegans to meet their daily needs for vitamin B12 from food sources without relying on supplements or fortified foods.
As each individual may have different needs for vitamin B12 and folate, the potent doses of these vitamins contained in Active B12 with L-5-MTHF may not be ideal for everyone. Working with a qualified healthcare professional is the best way determine the appropriate dose for your individual needs. The lozenges can be broken down into halves or quarters if a lower dose is desired.
Ксилитол, аскорбил пальмитат, натуральный ароматизатор «Вишня», диоксид кремния.
Продукт не содержит молоко., яиц, рыба, моллюски, древесные орехи, арахис, пшеницы, искусственных красителей и ароматизаторов.
Детям, беременным и кормящим женщинам следует проконсультироваться с врачом перед применением. Не использовать, если защитная пленка повреждена.
Хранение. Хранить в закрытом виде в сухом и прохладном месте, недоступном для детей.
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